Our Ministry

We are beginning a new adventure to Ometepec, Mexico.  For the past 8 years we have been serving with Missionary Athletes International in Charlotte, NC.  The Lord has opened a door for us to take the game we love--soccer--and continue to use it to share the message we believe in--the GOSPEL--to the people of Mexico.

Who is Missionary Athletes International?
MAI is a non-profit organization with a passion for sharing the message of the GOSPEL by means of the simple game of SOCCER.   Soccer is the world’s most popular sport – more countries belong to FIFA, the organization that governs international competition, than belong to the United Nations! Roll out a soccer ball almost anywhere in the world and you will attract a crowd. Through the common enjoyment of this world-wide sport, we are able to build relationships that allow us to share the message of God’s redeeming love.

MAI's Vision is "to see God glorified, lives changed and a worldwide movement of sports evangelism.”

MAI's Mission is "to communicate the message of Jesus Christ through the environment of soccer. We accomplish this by doing sports ministry, training in sports ministry and deploying sports ministers as a resource to the Body of Christ.”

How did we get connected to Ometepec, Mexico?  About a year ago, some good friends came to us and presented an opportunity to go and help develop and enhance a sports ministry program in Ometepec.  Tim and Barb Wood are missionaries there under the umbrella of Sports Outreach Institute.  Tim currently pastors a local church in Ometepec.  Several years ago he started four soccer teams, with the goal of using these teams to bring the Gospel to men and young boys in the area who may never enter a church.  He has been wanting some help in developing this part of his ministry.  That is where Ben came in--with his experience in sports ministry here with MAI and passion for the Lord and for soccer!

We are continuing to serve under the umbrella of MAI, but we will be partnering with SOI in Ometepec.

Missionary Athletes International
PO Box 1889
La Mirada, CA 90637-9914

Who is Sports Outreach Institute?

"The fundamental purpose of Sports Outreach Institute, Inc. is to identify and train committed Christian leadership in the effective use and understanding of sports ministry to spread the Gospel and alleviate human suffering.
Sports Outreach Institute exists to help minister to the poorest of the poor worldwide. We want to develop relational ministry that helps meet people’s most basic needs and reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our strategy is to work through national indigenous workers and equip them to minister to their own commmunities in their own cultural context.  Sports Outreach employs nearly 100 national workers in a grassroots ministry that seeeks to develop programs that are PRACTICAL, SUSTAINABLE, and BURDEN LIFTING."

Our desire for Ometepec is to develop a soccer ministry program which can be a self-sustaining outreach of the local church.  We desire to give the nationals a vision and the training for a soccer ministry that can be effective in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.